Open: Cappoquin House is open April and May (see website for details) and Heritage Week. Visits outside these days must be booked ahead. The rest of the year visitors are very welcome (garden only) provided they phone first. Cappoquin House Gardens welcome visitors individually or in groups from 10.00 till 16.00 all days of the week except Sundays. Groups are advised to book in advance in order to arrange details such a tea/coffee or a guided tour of the garden.
There is no café in the House but special arrangements can be made. Alternatively there are excellent coffee shop facilities at Barron’s bakery within walking distance in town.
The House: Cappoquin House has been in the hands of the same family since 1735. The site is above the town and commands views at the point where the Blackwater river turns due south after an 80 mile journey from Kerry for its last 20 miles. There was a castle but it was destroyed at the time of Cromwell. The present house is classical Georgian round a large courtyard. It was rebuilt in the 1920’s after destruction in the Civil War. It is remarkable for the quality of its internal decorative arrangements and plasterwork. It is fully furnished. The internal layout is simple yet functional and the house has a good atmosphere.
The Garden: The garden, like all gardens is in constant evolution. Being on acid soils it is able to grow a wide variety of plants, shrubs and trees. it is noted for its south facing extensive views and the quality of its garden management. There are formal bits, surprising corners and plenty of colour at all times of the year. Gardeners appreciate the knowledge of the head gardener Mark Windross always ready to share information and advice. Please refer to the website for further information.